If you're a foodie who loves a good laugh, you've come to the right place! Our website features a fantastic collection of silly, corny, and funny food jokes about celebrities that are sure to satisfy your craving for humor. From clever one-liners to puns that will make your stomach hurt from laughter, our collection has something for everyone. Whether you're a fan of traditional cuisine or exotic flavors, our jokes are carefully curated to appeal to all tastes. So if you're looking for a way to spice up your day, come check out our collection of the best food jokes from around the world. We guarantee that you'll find something to tickle your funny bone! After all, jokes are fun, and what better way to celebrate the joys of food than with a good laugh?
David Cameron went to his local butcher. He asked the butcher for a steak.
The butcher asked "what is your favourite cut?", David replied, "the public sector".
Did you hear about that celebrity who got caught stealing a whole bunch of cheese?Answer: True story, it was Brie Larson.
Does Sean Connery like herbs?Answer: Yes, but only partially.
Doesn't it seem ironic that Madonna actually sang, "Like a Virgin"?Answer: That's like a vegetarian who scarfs hamburgers...
Have you heard about McDonald's new Obama Value Meal?Answer: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.
Have you heard about McDonald's serving the new McBrons?Answer: If you eat it during the fourth quarter, you're guaranteed to choke!
How did Bob Marley like his sandwiches?Answer: With jam in
How did Reese eat her soup?Answer: Witherspoon
How do you find Ronald McDonald at a nude beach?Answer: You look for the sesame seed buns!
How do you turn a garden salad into a caesar salad?Answer: Stab it a bunch of times.
How does Bob Marley like his donuts?Answer: Wi' jam in
How does Bob Marley like his toast?Answer: With Jamm in
How does Darth Vader like his toast?Answer: On the Dark Side.
How does Will Smith make his coffee?Answer: The French Press of Bel Air.
How's Madonna similar to breakfast pastries?Answer: They're both pop tarts.
Jean-Claude Van Damme is "the muscles from Brussels." Who are his kids?Answer: Brussels sprouts
Jeff Bezos: "Alexa, buy me berries from Whole Foods!"
Alexa: "Ok, Jeff, I just bought Whole Foods."
Margaret Thatcher is out dining with her cabinet.
The waiter says, "What will you have?"
Thatcher says, "I'll have lamb."
"And the vegetables?"
"They can order for themselves."
Matthew McConaughey, what kind of meat do you want off the turkey?Answer: All white, all white, all white!
Paris in the Library
Paris Hilton walked into a library because she wanted to experience something new.
She walks up to the counter and says "Can I have a burger and fries?"
The librarian says, "I’m sorry, this is a library."
So Paris whispers, "Can I have a burger and fries?"
Steve jobs would have been a better president than Donald Trump. But its a silly comparison really, its like comparing apples to oranges.
Tyson to Holyfield before the fight: "I eat punks like you for breakfast."
Holyfield's reply: "Bite Me"
What did Bob Marley say when his wife left him and took the oven?Answer: No Woman, No Pie
What did D’Von tell Bubba when they were working at McDonalds?Answer: Oh Bubba, test the fries!
What did Lorena serve Bobbitt over the holidays?Answer: Sliced bananas.
What did Shakespeare eat for lunch?Answer: Caesar salad.
What do you call a Chicken staring at lettuce?Answer: Chicken Caesar Salad
What do you call an 80s synth pop band with a scoop of ice cream?Answer: Depeche a la Mode.
What do you call an actor who hauls seafood?Answer: Carrie Fisher
What do you call an all you can eat meal in a rabbit hole?Answer: A Warren Buffet
What do you call an avocado thats been blessed by Pope Francis?Answer: Holy Guacamole.
What do you call Shaq if he was a delicious breakfast dish?Answer: Shaquille Oatmeal
What do you call the king of vegetables?Answer: Elvis Parsley
What do you call the Tom Cruise movie about cooking?Answer: A Few Good Menus
What does Bob Marley say to his friends when he buys doughnuts?Answer: Hope you like Jammin too.
What does Eric Clapton and a cup of coffee have in common?Answer: They both suck without Cream.
What does Michael Jordan like to put on his toast for breakfast?Answer: Space Jam
What does Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer eat for breakfast?Answer: Deerios
What does Sandy Leon put his food on?Answer: Home plate.
What does snoop dogg eat for dinner?Answer: spa-GHETTO!
What does Tony Stark eat for breakfast?Answer: Iron Bran
What happened when Rudolph ate rotten food?Answer: He got Reindiarrhea.
What is bread's favourite Beatles song?Answer: All you need is loaf!
What is Chris Brown's favorite drink?Answer: Punch
What is Gyorgy Ligeti's favorite food?Answer: Sphligeti and meatballs.
What is Homer Simpson's favorite snack?Answer: D'oh nuts
What is Homer Simpsons favorite ice cream?Answer: Cookie D'OH!
What is Homer Simpson’s favourite fruit?Answer: An Avoca-D’oh!
What is Mike Tyson's favorite food?Answer: An ear of corn.
What is Rey's favorite cereal?Answer: Mysteri-O's
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