Looking for a good laugh? Our website has a great collection of hilarious celebrity jokes from around the world that suits all celebrity lovers, fans, fanatics, followers, groupies and everyone else who likes amazing celebrity jokes. We've got jokes about everything from pop culture and politics to everyday life, so there's something for everyone. This funny collection of the countries jokes can also contain quotes, riddles, oneliners and puns about the countries. Jokes are fun!
Did you hear which country Usain Bolt is retiring to?Answer: Iran
Have you heard the Irish joke about R. Kelly?Answer: It won’t take much time; it’s only a wee joke.
How do you say R. Kelly in Korean?Answer: So-Young Poon
What is Greta Thunbergs favourite country?Answer: MadAtGasCar
What nationality is Santa Claus?Answer: North Polish.
What was Nietzsche's chief complaint after visiting Egypt?Answer: It was too Nile-istic.
Who is the most hated actor in Saudi Arabia?Answer: Shia Labeouf
Feel free to share these jokes about countries with your family, friends, relatives, co-workers, classmates, partner, training buddy or on social media!
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