Looking for a hilarious way to pay tribute to one of the most iconic musicians of all time? Look no further than our collection of Kurt Cobain jokes! Whether you're a die-hard Nirvana fan or just appreciate a good laugh, our selection of silly, corny and funny jokes about the late singer and songwriter is sure to have you cracking up. From clever one-liners to witty puns, our collection contains the best jokes about Kurt Cobain and his legendary music. So whether you're looking for a way to break the ice at a party or just need a quick pick-me-up, check out our collection of Kurt Cobain jokes today - because laughter really is the best medicine!
Back to MusicWhat Beatles song ruined Kurt Cobains life?Answer: All You Need Is Courtney Love
What does Kurt Cobain and Michaelangelo have in common?Answer: They both used their brains to paint the ceiling.
What was Kurt Cobain's greatest release?Answer: The safety button
What was Kurt Cobain's last hit?Answer: The floor
What was the last thing that went through Kurt Cobain's mind when he shot himself?Answer: The roof of his mouth.
What was the last thing to go through Kurt Cobain's mind?Answer: His teeth.
What was unique about Kurt Cobain?Answer: He was the only person who ever died to ESCAPE Nirvana.
Why doesn't Kurt Cobain ever drive?Answer: Cause he'd rather just ride shotgun.
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