Here you will find a great collection of celebrity jokes for all celebrity lovers, fans, groupies and everyone else who likes to joke about celebrities. This awesome collection of jokes, quotes, puns and riddles about your favorite celebrities are both silly, funny and entertaining. We guarantee that you will laugh hysterically when you read our jokes about the celebrities! Jokes are fun!
Here you will find five random celebrity jokes that are both funny, corny, silly and hilarious. Make sure you tell these jokes about celebrity to your friends and family to get them giggling too.
To play a wrong note is insignificant; toplay without passion is inexcusable.
What was Linda McCartney's greatest legacy?Answer: That the Beatles could barely sing, but she and Yoko made them sound good.
A guy was stranded on a desert island with Cindy Crawford. He played it cool, and he didn't make any moves towards her for several weeks. Finally, one day he asked her if maybe they could start up a physical relationship, so as to attend to each other's needs. Cindy said she was game and a very vigorous sexual relationship began.
Everything was great for about 4 months. One day, the guy went to Cindy and said, 'I'm having this problem. It's kind of a guy thing, but I need to ask you a favor.' Cindy said, 'Okay.' The guy said, 'Can I borrow your eyebrow pencil?' Cindy looked at him a little funny, but said, 'Sure, you can borrow my eyebrow pencil.' The guy then said, 'Do you mind if I use the eyebrow pencil to draw a moustache on you?' Cindy is getting a little worried, but says, 'Okay.' Then the guy said, 'Can you wear some of my guy clothing, I need for you to look more like a man.' Cindy is getting a little disappointed at this point, but says, 'Well I guess so.' Then the guy says to Cindy, 'Do you mind if I call you Fred?' Cindy, very dejected, says, 'I guess not.'
So, the guy reaches out and grabs Cindy by the arms and says, 'Fred, you won't believe who I've been sleeping with these past four months!'
You must be Halle Berry's twin sister; the one they don't talk about because she's much more beautiful.
Do you have porridge for breakfast?Answer: Kevin Bacon
Here you will find the five newest celebrity jokes on this website that you visitors have submitted. These riddles, puns and jokes about celebrities are both funny, good, silly and hilarious.
How did Rihanna find out Chris Brown was cheating on her?Answer: She found another woman's lipstick on his knuckles
What did Jay-Z call his wife before they got married?Answer: Feyonce
Which celebrity smells the best?Answer: Kevin Bacon
Chuck Norris can build a snowman out of rain.
What does Ariana Grande order at McDonald's?Answer: A Mac Miller